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Seasonings And Spices

Salt, Fine, Himalayan, Pink, 1 lb.


Price: $18

Product Description

Frontier Co-op's Himalayan pink salt is hand mined in the Himalayan mountains. The salt is then ground into fine crystals, making them perfect for many cooking applications. The high mineral content of Himalayan salt crystals contributes to their color, ranging from deep reds to beautiful pinks.

This Himalayan pink salt is 100% non-irradiated; meaning it has never been exposed to any harmful ionic radiation. It was simply extracted from the earth and ground into fine crystals.

Pink salt can be used for a variety of applications and it's primarily used on meats, such as chicken, turkey, and lean pork. Add pink salt during the cooking process or use it to cure meats over time. It can also be included in sauces, brines, and marinades.

Suggested uses: Tenderizing chicken, turkey, and lean pork; curing various meats; and enhancing foods as a white salt alternative; it's also great for salt baths!

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