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Baking Ingredients

Organic Barley Malt Syrup, 20 oz.


Price: $19

Product Description

Organic barley malt syrup from Eden Foods can be used in bread, bagels, beer or simply as a substitute for refined sugar and honey. Barley malt syrup is a whole grain sweetener that's about half as sweet as refined sugar and has a consistency and flavor that's similar to molasses. 

Eden organic barley malt syrup is delicious over cereal and on pancakes, in popcorn balls and caramel corn. Barley malt syrup works beautifully to sweeten dark breads like pumpernickel, and to flavor baked beans. Try it drizzled over roasted or baked sweet potatoes and winter squash! Barley malt syrup can also be used for home beer brewing. 

When substituting barley malt syrup for refined white or brown sugar, use 1-1/3 cups of barley malt for 1 cup of sugar, and reduce the liquid in the recipe by about 1/4 cup. Using 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda for each cup of barley malt in baking helps produce lighter baked goods. 

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